Saturday, October 20, 2012

Making A Difference In Society

     Life is made up of decisions. Sometimes we do not take the right path and we find obstacles on the way, and sometimes we also think we fail and regret everything. However, taking the path of nursing is definitely something you will never regret if you really love it. I have included two videos which show the many reasons why you should become a nurse, and how you can even change the life of many people with your compassion, kindness and commitment to your job. 

In the video, “Making a World of Difference with Care” by HeartMath2, shows the amazing impact a nurse can make on people by taking care of their patients. Additionally, the video, “Celebrating the Power of Nurses” by WinnipegHealth Region, Lori Lamont, the vice president and chief nursing office at WinnipegHealth Region, shared her experience about the impact nurses made not only on her, but on her entire family. Lori shared her experience one day at the hospital when her mother passed away: “We were always very grateful for the care... what I remember mostly about that day was the kindness and the [ compassion we] received” from all the stuff, especially from the nurses. Lori commented how the nurses were very passionate about their jobs, making this tragic event on her life less difficult. 

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