Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Work Environment

       How does it feel the first day of work as a registered nurse? The answer to this question is very dreadful to many future nurses  since they do not know how different their “real-job” will be from nursing school. For example, in the video, “What’s it like for an RN on her first day” by Clarian Health, shows how a graduate nursing student struggles on her first day at work since nursing school is not always enough for you to gain enough experience, until you go to the “real-world”. For example, one of the current nurses at Riley Children’s Hospital explains how many new nurses feel very confident and prepared for the job. However, many of them even express “this is nothing that I learned in school,” which tells us that it is very important to gain as much experience as possible before going to a real-job. 

       Furthermore, since I am planning on becoming a registered nurse, I have also included an effective article which provides a good description of the tasks registered nurses do on a daily basis.

To read the article click here

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