Saturday, November 3, 2012

Exploring a Nursing Shortage

       Can you imagine how the world would be without nurses? This is becoming a serious and alarming issue in today’s society. With just a few nurses working, it is impossible to assist so many people in a short of time, at least with effectiviness. The article, "The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing", and a video provide detailed information of this depressive, and common issue attacking the nation today. 

       For example, in the video, "Exploring the Nursing Shortage" by the Apollo Research Institute, May Wykle, a Ph.D, Registered Nurse, commented "We experience shortages of [nurses]... and that is becoming a serious problem," which give us the opportunity to realize and reflect about this serious issue attacking society. So, if you are considering nursing as your major, think about the positive impact you will make on society. 

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