Friday, December 14, 2012

Tour Guide To Nursing School

       Making the right decision will always be critical in the medical field. Especially in nursing since it offers a great variety of options from being a bedside nurse to a flight-for-life nurse. At the end it will be your decision of the path you want to take. However, to make your decision a bit smoother I highly recommend the book "Mosby's Tour Guide To Nursing School"by Melodie Chenevert, to guide you step by step when making this difficult and critical decision for your future. 

       Additionally, the book mainly focuses on providing all the options that nursing students have, and not only that. It also offers very detailed information about: tasks, specializations, nursing schools, quizzes, study-skills, source of scholarships and loans, resources for NCLEX, and much more. All of which are vital in nursing. 

      Lastly, the book even provides techniques of how you can save time and money in nursing school. I highly recommend you to read it. Start early and get ahead! 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Nurses Are Essential!

        Many people refer to them as the “backbone” of today’s society. Others perceive them as their heroes since it is the nurse’s calling and responsibility to be there for those in pain and suffering. Of course, sometimes as a nurse you will feel tired, frustrated or even  disillusional about your profession, but just take a moment to reflect on your role as nurse and the important role you play in society. provides information about the importance of being a nurse. This website also offers positive reasons and opinions of why nurses play an important role in today's society and how they can positively change our lives. 

Types of Nursing Careers- Which Path Should I Choose?

        With a wide variety of options in the medical field, one of the hardest things about choosing nursing as a career is the difficult decision of choosing what type of nurse matches your interests. Therefore, I have included adequate information which can help you to make the right decision about what type of nurse you would like to become. 

        While many people have always dreamed about one day becoming a  nurse, they are unaware or unsure what type of nurse they can be. It can be surprising that there are more than 20 different types of nurses! Therefore, I have provided an article which covers a total of 23 types of nurses, including their job description and their approximate salary range.  

To read the article click here

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Interested in the nursing program at Tarleton State University?

       If the answers is yes, click here to see detailed information about the requirements for the nursing program at Tarleton State University. I have included everything you need, from the application to the great benefits you will receive from the school, with the purpose of informing and preparing you ahead of time, so you can start early on nursing school, and save time and money. 

       As one of the best nursing schools in the state of Texas, I would highly recommend Tarleton for your nursing career. For instance, Yuly Martinez, a Tarleton nursing student expressed how “the nursing program at Tarleton State University offers small classes and provides the hands-on experience” that every nursing student needs in order to be successful in the nursing field. Additionally, Yuly explains how the teachers strive to prepare the students, and make of them the future great nurses society will be waiting for. 


Common Question-How Can I Survive Nursing School?

     Current or future students who are considering nursing as your major you will be facing many challenges as a nursing student. Therefore, I have provided a video which includes effective tips such as, good time and money management, good study skills, and the ability to work with faculty, which are vital components you will need as a nursing student in order to be successful in school. 

     Furthermore, one of the main fears of students who are considering nursing as their major is how to survive nursing school. Therefore, I have also included an article providing helpful tips with the purpose of assisting you to succeed, both academically and professionally in your nursing career. Since the nursing field is very competitive, one of the advices provided in the video, “Nursing Student Success” by ElsevierStudentLife, is that “you need to do whatever you can  to set yourself apart” in other words, you will need to strive in school today in order to succeed tomorrow in your nursing dream job.  Just remember that every effort has its rewards. Do not give up! 

To read the article click here

Saturday, November 3, 2012

What It Takes To Be a Nurse- Testimonials From Nursing Students

       I know I want to be a nurse, but I am not quite sure if nursing is what I really want to do for the rest of my life. We often hear students asking questions similar to this one, but this informative website will give you the opportunity to see the opinions of some current registered nurses about their jobs, so that you can have an idea of what to expect as a nurse, and see if nursing is really your passion. 

Additionally, the website includes both positive and negative commentaries about nursing jobs. I would like for you to acquire true and honest information about nursing jobs before taking the next step, so that you can be mentally and physically prepared for this challenging, but rewarding job. For instance, in the video, “Being a Nurse” by Juvinar Santiago expressed “every day we come face to face with life, death, joy and grief”. However, Juvinar also expressed “patients are often in your life for only a short while. You are often in theirs for the rest of it,” which clearly explains the importance and impact a nurse can make on someone. 

Lastly, I have also provided a video which shows how being a nurse can definitely be a challenge, but at the end of the day you will leave your job knowing that you helped somebody, which is the best reward a  nurse can receive.  

To see comments from registered nurses click here 

Keeping Society Informed- Nursing Podcasts

 offers many effective nursing podcasts which give you the opportunity to learn about common topics about how nurses can make a positive impact on people’s lives. A great advantage of  this website is having the ability to listen to advice from nurses about how to prevent common health issues in today’s society. 

        Additionally, the website includes a great variety of topics related to the medical field, such as Anatomy and Physiology Lectures, which can be very beneficial for many students.