Saturday, November 3, 2012

What It Takes To Be a Nurse- Testimonials From Nursing Students

       I know I want to be a nurse, but I am not quite sure if nursing is what I really want to do for the rest of my life. We often hear students asking questions similar to this one, but this informative website will give you the opportunity to see the opinions of some current registered nurses about their jobs, so that you can have an idea of what to expect as a nurse, and see if nursing is really your passion. 

Additionally, the website includes both positive and negative commentaries about nursing jobs. I would like for you to acquire true and honest information about nursing jobs before taking the next step, so that you can be mentally and physically prepared for this challenging, but rewarding job. For instance, in the video, “Being a Nurse” by Juvinar Santiago expressed “every day we come face to face with life, death, joy and grief”. However, Juvinar also expressed “patients are often in your life for only a short while. You are often in theirs for the rest of it,” which clearly explains the importance and impact a nurse can make on someone. 

Lastly, I have also provided a video which shows how being a nurse can definitely be a challenge, but at the end of the day you will leave your job knowing that you helped somebody, which is the best reward a  nurse can receive.  

To see comments from registered nurses click here 

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