Sunday, November 4, 2012

Common Question-How Can I Survive Nursing School?

     Current or future students who are considering nursing as your major you will be facing many challenges as a nursing student. Therefore, I have provided a video which includes effective tips such as, good time and money management, good study skills, and the ability to work with faculty, which are vital components you will need as a nursing student in order to be successful in school. 

     Furthermore, one of the main fears of students who are considering nursing as their major is how to survive nursing school. Therefore, I have also included an article providing helpful tips with the purpose of assisting you to succeed, both academically and professionally in your nursing career. Since the nursing field is very competitive, one of the advices provided in the video, “Nursing Student Success” by ElsevierStudentLife, is that “you need to do whatever you can  to set yourself apart” in other words, you will need to strive in school today in order to succeed tomorrow in your nursing dream job.  Just remember that every effort has its rewards. Do not give up! 

To read the article click here

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